Mamadomia Global Group   Wise To Zest Mamadomia foundation  


Never give up

Our dreamy success and rises for growth and sophisticate progress.

I am, You are - We are Pro Activist!

We believe that, every individual has Potential, Talent and GoodIYI to develop, thrive and share, And if significant number of people possess more and better education, good health and eco-healthy environment, Europe will be a better place to live, grow, progress and succeed.

Yes, It Is Possible

We do not have to be perfect to be progressive, to grow and succeed. Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things.

We believe in You - with great courage, integrity and passion together we can embrace our creativity, responsibility and productivity to co-create a world where each of us, our families, businesses, communities, and our planet can flourish.

Yes You Can

You Can Be person with purpose of value.

You Can Be significant change.

You Can Be person with thoughts of value.

You Can Be grateful for all good things.

You Can Be person whit great purpose in life.

You Can Be persons of social value.

You Can Be brave persons.

Yes, You Can and You will go and do and be progressive.

You need the right people with you, not the best people.

Together we can.

Together we can be creative, and open-minded

Conjointly we can be people with thoughts of value.

Together we can be people of sustainable value.

Collectively we can be informational independent individuals.

Collectively we can be people with worlds of value.

In collaboration we can be persons of social value.

Together we can be passionate and determined

Yes, We Can. Together we will do and be a good team.

You are obligated to grow in order to success and progress.

Do not wait for good luck.

We value and respect matters of value such as:

Open Minded Learning

Your future starts now.

Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them. ~ Leo Tolstoy

Mamadomia Consortium Foundation long term directional objectives are: Orientated for more and better progressive innovation, fostering and evolving global educational facilitation as well as open healing eco and health open consortium research and innovation groups for new discovery. Advancing open learning, thinking and intelligence in education, smart methodology and hi-technology. Researching for better understanding, learning, creating and innovating within the progressive realisation of our vision, mission and objectives.

As any progressive members of 21st century in everything we do, we believe that next generation open learning, teaching and innovating flow systems are making a revolutionary difference for the better. Challenging the known and embracing the unknown for adding more and better values to learning and innovating, we believe and think differently

Dynamically enriching eco-healthy children`s development is an invaluable resource for humanity. Sustainability requires that future generations are able to enjoy at least the same levels of eco and health sustainability, social health and economy progress and well-being as we do today. Sustainable levels of eco-healthy children and young talents can lead to further quality of education.

Mamadomia Consortium Foundation long term directional objectives are: Orientated for more and better progressive innovation, fostering and evolving global educational facilitation as well as open healing eco and health open consortium research and innovation groups for new discovery. Advancing open

Eco and health combine advocacy, and eco-vision building; Eco friendly open education and co-collaborative ownership; Co-Collaborative trade partnership programs and networks; Trade in services eco-healthy children development and training; Comprehensive eco and health research and innovation; Open source and core information and communication technologies; Monitoring sustainable development transparency and publishing the sustainability progress for a better world.

Learn From Failures. All too often, we focus on the strategies that allow us to succeed. Yet, research tells us that we learn more from studying our failures than we do from success. Do an ?after action review? (to borrow a term from military training), whereby you analyze what happened. Figure out why and how things went wrong and fix them in order to succeed the next time. Renowned leaders of nations and companies will often mention that it was learning from failures that led to their ultimate success.

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. ~ Dale Carnegie

This is a good reading for an influential person.

We salute and honour things and qualities of value such as:

Creative Minded Learning

Be a person of public value.

You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life. ~ Les Brown

You - the people of the world, who carry out the humanity progress and advance sustainability thrive, we are looking for to get connected, to collaborate and cooperate together in merging Artist, abilities and efforts for advancing the world for the better.

Apply It. It's all right because, We enhance education, we empower health, we develop assets and invest for a better world thrive and progress.

Bridging diversity, public and private organisations and individuals for a better world and progress. Supporting disadvantaged kids, talents, youths and wise to have eco-healthy sustainable environment for a better long term future. Sustainable food and water, health, wealth and education - Educated and Healthy People Think Differently.

Hello Young Volunteers Of The World . This is us. Mamadomia org needs your support, collaborative assistance and cooperative help in order to provide reciprocal support, collaborative assistance and coherent help to enhance eco-healthy children, support young talent utilisation and cooperatively help earth sustainability progress for generations to come.

The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. ~ Mark Zuckerberg, founder, Facebook

This is a good lesson for an influential person.

We value, respect, salute and honour things, qualities and matters of value such as:

Innovative Oriented Learning

Be a individual with visions of value.

The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them. ~ Benjamin Jowett

With better long term choices, prudent decisions, collaborative teamwork and democratic style management in all levels, and more added value in shares and trade in services enhancements. The long term stability of growth rather than a high growth rate, with balanced increment that is socially, economics and environmentally sustainable, should be the new approach for the future. To do that means encouraging tens of millions members all over the world to get involve while creating a social safety net and particularly on land shares and ownership guarantee, that will give them the confidence to do so.

Created and designed to last for generations, Mamadomia Consortium Foundation core purpose, vision, mission and ideology are directed to unlock and enhance health, education, and environment potentials, to develop, support and serve the progress and the one who create and carry it forward for more and better values, life and world.

Our educational open flow cybernetics mission is to develop a better learning for a better education and understanding of how ICT revolution affect the progress of advance education from individual learning to the group systems. This is to be achieved through modeling and developing open source and core innovative open learning flow educational software, researching smart learning technologies and related emerging technological and pedagogical matters for developing new pedagogical approaches to advanced learning, teaching, and assessment.

We believe what matters most, matters most and that can be progressively evolve and successfully achieve with our open learning revolutionary flow system collaborated and incorporated coherently with the advancements of the technological revolution and global networking innovation that is making a core difference to the world and life for the better.

For now you know one of the greatest principles of success. We believe if more and more people develop and have more and better health, education and eco-healthy environment, the world will become a better place to live.

Become a fully accredited member today! For just as little as membership prepossessing fee, you can access standard membership privileges such as: - Voting rights, opportunity to become a shareholder and progress up. - Exclusive offers, valuable investment and business deals, special membership discounts. - Access to Open Exchange. Opportunity to get involve in various projects and program initiatives, broad range of business and trade in services special offers, commercial promotions and discounts, including frequent member values. - Personal satisfaction and confidence that you are supporting the global and local sustainability development and eco and health carers for eco-healthy children, talents and youths enhancements and eco friendly environment for people of all ages. - Mamadomia Children Fund, sustainability investment and insurance opportunity eligibility.

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. ~ William James

It is Not Poor Progress, It is Just Poor commitment. Make a long-term commitment.


Do feel like embracing challenges that make a difference and add more and better values to life and the progress?

Key worlds of value to learn and utilize.

dreamy , rises , success, successful, growth, progress, purpose, guidance, values, passion, vision, principles, mission, goals, objectives, guide, tips, trust and leads.




  • We have developed abilities to plan and organize. We can brake down what We want to achieve into manageable steps and set priorities to accomplish the most important things first.
  • We are open minded innovation development, creative organization.
  • We bridge advance methodology, technology and innovation, we cooperate, incorporate and collaborate businesses and organisations from the profit and not from the profit sectors, individuals, activist, humanitarian.
  • We have strong well defined sense of purpose and We know what We want.
  • We are committed to the revolutionary cause of the century for more and better life, world and progress.

Challenging the known and embracing the unknown for more and better values, life and progress.


Mamadomia Consortium Group (group of organisations and companies joint venture) is a 
collection of not for profit parent, subsidiary, associate organisations, 
but not limited to private companies or business entities for profit, that functions as 
a single holding fund associated entity through a common source of control and decision making body. 
The concept of Mamadomia Foundation is frequently used in public company by laws to attribute 
the rights and duties of one member of the group to another or the whole. 

When the Mamadomia Foundation associated organisations are engaged in entirely independent businesses 
and or state or international branches, the members of the group is considered a conglomerate 
member of the Mamadomia Consortium Global Development Group.

Consortium incorporate entities (by laws) 

MAMADOMIA PTY LTD,                         ACN 143 401 469 

Consortium Foundation Co-founders:
Vahlinov Andy Freedman 
Anna Elisabeth Malter    
Chris Costello  
Penelope Korber 

Associated patron business entities  

HEALINGDOM, BN 11555907  

Our mission is to empower and inspire people by spreading entrepreneurs knowledge of development and life changing stories to the world. We want to change history, do something important in our life's, and influence individuals businesses in the world. Then they love and respect us because we made their life important.

We offer competitive market remuneration and professional variety across a broad range of practice groups.

Here you will discover ideas, techniques, and tools you can use right away. Whether you are a student, career professional, or retired here is valuable information and resources for you.

Bookmark this lesson and read it every day until your are ready to utilize it in practice.

Please leave your thoughts in the comment section. We are here to fulfil our purpose, mission, goals, dreams and vision.

Related Readings

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind do not matter and those who matter do not mind.

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