Good OK Best
Never give up
Our exclusive progress is motivation for growth and likes success I am, You are - We are Free People! We believe that, every individual has Potential, Talent and GoodIYI to develop, thrive and share, And if significant number of people possess more and better education, good health and eco-healthy environment, Europe will be a better place to live, grow, progress and succeed.
Yes, It Is Possible Play by the rules, but be ferocious. We do not have to be perfect to be progressive, to grow and succeed. Together we can. Together with great courage, integrity and passion you can embrace your creativity, responsibility and productivity to co-create a world where each of us, our families, businesses, communities, and our planet can flourish.
Together we can.
As partners we can be financially independent individuals.
Collectively we can be people with great goals of value.
Together we can be persistent new century leaders.
Together we can be team with vision of value.
Together we can be people of possibilities.
Collectively we can be informational independent individuals.
Yes, We Can. Together we will go and do and be a massive success team. We are born to win, but to be a winner, we must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.
Yes We Can
We Can Be people with dreams of value.
We Can Be Creative, and Open-Minded
We Can Be significant change.
We Can Be I CAN persons.
We Can Be Persistent.
We Can Be people with purpose of value.
We can work together for a better world and progress.
Yes, We Can and we will do and be massive success.
Do not be a person Complaining. We value and respect matters of value such as: Open Minded Learning
Do not be a person Living in the past.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~ Winston Churchill
As of this writing, the annotation is a work in progress. All of the files should display properly in your browser without XML syntax errors. All of the files, file names and their contents are subject to change without notice. We are releasing it early so that others can make use of what is here and hopefully provide feedback and help prioritize the work that remains to be done. Please send any commends, revisions, and suggestions for improvements to info at alicebot dot org(*)
They are a waste of time and a thief of contentment and happiness.
Open Learning and Teaching State of Flow is an out of the box revolutionary approach, an way for people, science and technology to collaborate and cooperate on open source and open core fields without been limited by boundaries of time, place, space and other limitations limiting the progress thrive.
How the learning and environment developmental education will evolve ? We do not know. But we recommend the greatest advancement of our educational developments that may well be the learn and grow innovation of creative tools that allow us to go beyond learn and grow design and initiate and utilise more and better educational potentials, ideas and solutions than we can understand. Advancing out of the box open learning developmental flow of revolutionary creations, innovations, solutions and learning utilisations are all about decreasing suffering, increasing life, improving learn and
The surest path to failure is trying to please everyone. Work to please only yourself and those who are important to you.
Predicting rain doesn?t count. Building arks does. ? Warren Buffett
Just because something does not do what you planned it to do, does not mean it is wrong and useless.
We salute and honour things and qualities of value such as: Creative Minded Learning
You must be willing to be success, growth and progress.
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.- Albert Einstein
and civilization progress, and as such, it is our objective and conviction that those treasures should be wisely trained, educated and competently met for a common good pragmatic utilisation. We consider the early childhood preschool education, health and sustainable care for the little ones priceless entrusts of the new millennium eco and health advancement to be a very important responsibility for a better sustainable world and progress.
Our Fundamental Ideology Is Social Development Progressivism. We believe if society create, develop and share more and better health, education and eco-healthy environment, the world will be a better place to live.
"People want to learn because they want to get better abilities to progress. They want to be part of 'next to learn their way into bigger opportunities.? ~ Vahlinov, Andy Freedman
We enhance people helping people and organisations to move the world forward, to grow and do their best. We utilize a real world open flow global systems for open learning, teaching and innovation to add more values for a better life and progress.
You - the people of the world, who carry out the humanity progress and advance sustainability thrive, we are looking for to get connected, to collaborate and cooperate together in merging talents, abilities and efforts for advancing the world for the better.
Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. ~ Helen Keller
The fixed mindset can negatively impact all aspects of your life, But when you start viewing things as mutable, the situation gives way to the bigger picture.
We value, respect, salute and honour things, qualities and matters of value such as: Innovative Oriented Learning
Develop with passion and drive.
There is more to life than increasing its speed. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
There are investments you don't know and can't do and there are investments we don't know and can't do, but together, collaborated and incorporated we can make a difference for a better life, world and progress.
For now you know one of the greatest principles of success. We believe if more and more people develop and have more and better health, education and eco-healthy environment, the world will become a better place to live.
Design your vision statement to clearly communicate what you are working to achieve in a way that people can remember it and communicate this to others.
Innovating, Fostering and Developing Global brainiyi schools as well as open healing educational eco and health open research consortium group. For advancing learning, thinking and intelligence in education, smart methodology and hi-technology. Research for better understanding, innovation and progressive realisation of our vision, mission and objectives.
As any progressive members of 21st century in everything we do, we believe that next generation open learning, teaching and innovating flow systems are making a revolutionary difference for the better. Challenging the known and embracing the unknown for adding more and better values to learning and innovating, we believe and think differently with core purpose in mind to evolve a revolutionary difference for more and better core values, life and progress.
Open Learning and Teaching State of Flow is an out of the box revolutionary approach, an way for people, science and technology to collaborate and cooperate on open source and open core fields without been limited by boundaries of time, place, space and other limitations limiting the progress thrive.
Love of knowledge is the most real and creative form of human presence. I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
You have enemies? Good. That means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life. ~ Winston Churchill
On the other hand, when people were praised for effort, 90 percent of them wanted the challenging new task that they could learn from.
Can you explain the impact, if any, that social networking and Web 2.0 has made on your organization or you personally?
Do you feel like supporting the open learning revolutionary time and progress ?
Describe your process for developing a vision and mission for your organization.
Key worlds of value to learn and utilize.
exclusive , motivation , success, successful, growth, progress, purpose, guidance, values, passion, vision, principles, mission, goals, objectives, guide, tips, trust and leads.
- We are passionate about enjoying the state of open flow and utilizing the open healing and eco-health progress, researching, out of the box problem solving, innovating and discovering things for more and better life, world thrive and progress.
- We are committed to the revolutionary cause of the century for more and better life, world and progress.
- We are different. We are innovative. We have a big dream.
- We know how and when to acquire and develop essential knowledge and skills.
- Our course in the journey is to develop global foundation for enhancing individuals and organisations to realize their abilities, greatness, knowledge and potentials to empower the progress, make difference, deliver impact and move the world forward, for more and better values, life and progress.
Challenging the known and embracing the unknown for more and better values, life and progress. OUR COMMITMENT IS TO DEVELOP GLOBAL A CLASS FOUNDATION.
Mamadomia Consortium Group (group of organisations and companies joint venture) is a
collection of not for profit parent, subsidiary, associate organisations,
but not limited to private companies or business entities for profit, that functions as
a single holding fund associated entity through a common source of control and decision making body.
The concept of Mamadomia Foundation is frequently used in public company by laws to attribute
the rights and duties of one member of the group to another or the whole.
When the Mamadomia Foundation associated organisations are engaged in entirely independent businesses
and or state or international branches, the members of the group is considered a conglomerate
member of the Mamadomia Consortium Global Development Group.
Consortium incorporate entities (by laws)
Consortium Foundation Co-founders:
Vahlinov Andy Freedman
Anna Elisabeth Malter
Chris Costello
Penelope Korber
Associated patron business entities
Today, making money is relatively simple. But making sustainable money while being responsible to the society and improving the world is very difficult. We have always believed that businesses should be good adventure venture. Here you will discover ideas, techniques, and tools you can use right away. Whether you are a student, career professional, or retired here is valuable information and resources for you. Bookmark this lesson and read it every day until your are ready to utilize it in practice. Please leave your thoughts in the comment section. We are here to fulfil our purpose, mission, goals, dreams and vision. Related Readings We pride ourselves on remaining a first-tier npo-ngo corporate organisation while maintaining the values and ideals that we hold true.
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind do not matter and those who matter do not mind.