Be Pro Leader
Never give up
Our committed growth, viewing league for progress and success. I am, You are - We are Special People! We believe that, every individual has Potential, Talent and GoodIYI to develop, thrive and share, And if significant number of people possess more and better education, good health and eco-healthy environment, Europe will be a better place to live, grow, progress and succeed.
Yes, It Is Possible Life Does Not Have To Be Perfect To Be Wonderful. Together we can. Together with great courage, integrity and passion you can embrace your creativity, responsibility and productivity to co-create a world where each of us, our families, businesses, communities, and our planet can flourish.
Together we can.
As partners we can be financially independent individuals.
Together we can be the people to utilise the change.
Together we can cooperate together for a better future growth and progress.
Together we can be humble leaders.
Together we can pursue success and progress.
Together we can be grateful for all good things.
Together we can be people with purpose of value.
Together we can see in the world on the world trip.
Yes, We Can. Together we will be a good team. Just like many outstanding people we have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission for growth, progress and success.
Partner with the right people. With great courage, integrity and passion we embrace our responsibility to co-create a world where each of us, our communities, and our planet can flourish. We value and respect matters of value such as: Open Minded Learning
Be a individual whit your own dreams in life.
Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. ~ John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the United States of America
Desiring the early achievement of progressively higher levels of liberalization of global eco trade in services through successive rounds of multilateral negotiations aimed at promoting the interests of all participants on a mutually advantageous basis and at securing an overall balance of eco-rights and obligations, while giving due respect to national and local cultural policy objectives.
Open Health Learning and Teaching State of Flow is an out of the box revolutionary approach, an way for people, science and technology to collaborate and cooperate on open source and open core fields without been limited by boundaries of time, place, space and other limitations limiting the progress thrive.
Dynamically enriching eco-healthy children`s development is an invaluable resource for humanity. Sustainability requires that future generations are able to enjoy at least the same levels of eco and health sustainability, social health and economy progress and well-being as we do today. Sustainable levels of eco-healthy children and young talents can lead to further quality of education.
People often say that motivation does not last. Well, neither does bathing.. that is why we recommend it daily.
We love it and in every thing we do, we believe that the next generation of open learning, teaching and innovating revolution is making revolutionary A difference in adding more core values and is improving the life for the better in less time and with less effort, while opens up new course to raise up the progress of the civilisation thrive.
It is true to say that everyone is a stakeholder in education and eco-healthy children sustainable development. All of us will feel the impact of its relative success or failure, and all of us affect the impact of Mamadomia Group by our behaviour which, may be supportive or undermining.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~ Winston Churchill
The fixed mindset can negatively impact all aspects of your life, But when you start viewing things as mutable, the situation gives way to the bigger picture.
We salute and honour things and qualities of value such as: Creative Minded Learning
Together it can happen. Let them know it.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.- Albert Einstein
As any progressive members of 21st century in everything we do, we believe that next generation open learning, teaching and innovating flow systems are making a revolutionary difference for the better. Challenging the known and embracing the unknown for adding more and better values to learning and innovating, we believe and think differently with core purpose in mind to evolve a revolutionary difference for more and better core values, life and progress.
We are success today because We have friends, members and clients who believe in us and we do not have the heart to let them down.
You'll broaden your own eco-health knowledge, expand your leadership skills, and grow your eco-health network of colleagues and friends. Plus, you'll have an added sense of accomplishment knowing you've contributed to the success and future of your personal development, human health and life sustainability on the mother earth.
Forget about setting little goals. Focus on massive system of goals. It is keeping the innovative systems grow and progress.
In line with 21st century health learning dynamics, challenges and climate change, Mamadomia Group joint venture eco-health ( ecology, environment and health) partnership is bridging private and public organizations, talents, young and wise for collaborating and cooperating where concessional components come seamlessly together to facilitate operational objectives and deliver successful outcomes.
The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. ~ John C. Maxwell
Enhancing creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship open peer learning activities at all levels of super-brain teams education and training.
We value, respect, salute and honour things, qualities and matters of value such as: Innovative Oriented Learning
Be a person with speech of value.
Predicting rain doesn?t count. Building arks does. ? Warren Buffett
Bridging diversity, public and private organisations and individuals for a better world and progress. Supporting disadvantaged kids, talents, youths and wise to have eco-healthy sustainable environment for a better long term future. Sustainable food and water, health, wealth and education - Educated and Healthy People Think Differently.
Apply It. It's all right because, We enhance education, we empower learning, we develop assets and invest for a better world thrive and progress.
Second of all, as a human being part of the civilization you will probably be more effective at things you feel passionately about than at things you are less interested in. I would argue you will do more good for the world progress by investing great effort and passion into a cause you feel strongly about than you will by investing mediocre effort into a cause with greater general utility.
Apply It. It's all right because, We enhance education, we empower health, we develop assets and invest for a better world thrive and progress.
We are reaching the point where the Mamadomia Group will have to end the burden we have placed on her, if we don not lift the burden ourselves. This red papers sustainability report provides a picture of Mamadomia Group Australia what we look like and who we are. It tells the story of how we have progressing, changing and sustaining as an joint venture organisations over the last 3 years.
We believe what matters most, matters most and that can be progressively evolve and successfully achieve with our open learning revolutionary flow system collaborated and incorporated coherently with the advancements of the technological revolution and global networking innovation that is making a core difference to the world and life for the better.
Dynamically enhancing eco-healthy children`s development is an invaluable resource for humanity. Sustainability requires that future generations are able to enjoy at least the same levels of eco and health sustainability, social health and economy progress and well-being as we do today. Sustainable levels of eco-healthy children and young talents can lead to further quality of education.
'I don't know' has become 'I don't know yet'. ~ Bill Gates
There are no big secrets to success. It is the result mostly of preparation, persistence, hard work, and learning from failure. ~ Vahlinov Andy Freedman
Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you?
Key worlds of value to learn and utilize.
committed , viewing , success, successful, growth, progress, purpose, guidance, values, passion, vision, principles, mission, goals, objectives, guide, tips, trust and leads.
- We are different. We are innovative. We have a big dream.
- We know how and when to acquire and develop essential knowledge and skills.
- We are passionate about enjoying the state of open flow and utilizing the open healing and eco-health progress, researching, out of the box problem solving, innovating and discovering things for more and better life, world thrive and progress.
- We have a positive sensory orientation. We expect to succeed and not to fail.
- We think, innovate and do business differently. The way we do that is by changing paradigms for revolutionizing the way of people helping people in the areas of learning, creation, innovation and utilization of progressive system developments of hi-potential. We use learning differently to add more value, we use optimisation and utilization of technological revolution for more and better learning, thinking, creating and innovating in less time with less effort for solving problems of the real world challenging demands.
Challenging the known and embracing the unknown for more and better values, life and progress. OUR COMMITMENT IS TO DEVELOP GLOBAL A CLASS FOUNDATION.
Mamadomia Consortium Group (group of organisations and companies joint venture) is a
collection of not for profit parent, subsidiary, associate organisations,
but not limited to private companies or business entities for profit, that functions as
a single holding fund associated entity through a common source of control and decision making body.
The concept of Mamadomia Foundation is frequently used in public company by laws to attribute
the rights and duties of one member of the group to another or the whole.
When the Mamadomia Foundation associated organisations are engaged in entirely independent businesses
and or state or international branches, the members of the group is considered a conglomerate
member of the Mamadomia Consortium Global Development Group.
Consortium incorporate entities (by laws)
Consortium Foundation Co-founders:
Vahlinov Andy Freedman
Anna Elisabeth Malter
Chris Costello
Penelope Korber
Associated patron business entities
Join talented, ambitious people seeking to outperform ourselves and everyone else. Be part of a the organisation that has a great heart, is generous and seeks to be an outstanding global citizen of value. Here you will discover ideas, techniques, and tools you can use right away. Whether you are a student, career professional, or retired here is valuable information and resources for you. Bookmark this lesson and read it every day until your are ready to utilize it in practice. Please leave your thoughts in the comment section. We are here to fulfil our purpose, mission, goals, dreams and vision. Related Links
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind do not matter and those who matter do not mind.