Pro Believe
Never give up
Our essential success and steady for growth and recommend progress. I am, You are - We are Messengers! We believe that, every individual has Potential, Talent and GoodIYI to develop, thrive and share, And if significant number of people possess more and better education, good health and eco-healthy environment, Europe will be a better place to live, grow, progress and succeed.
Yes, It Is Possible We do not have to be perfect to be progressive, to grow and succeed. Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things. We believe in You - with great courage, integrity and passion together we can embrace our creativity, responsibility and productivity to co-create a world where each of us, our families, businesses, communities, and our planet can flourish.
Yes You Can
You can work together for a better world and progress.
Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it does not solve any problems.
You can be great team of progressive people.
You Can Be person with mission of value.
You Can Be person whit big mission in life.
Yes, You Can and You will go and do and be progressive. You need the right people with you, not the best people.
Together we can.
In collaboration we can be team whit big mission in life.
Collectively we can be people with great goals of value.
Together we can be people with integrity of value.
In collaboration we can be persons of social value.
Together we can be creative and innovative.
Together we can pursue growth and learning.
Together we can be leaders of the world.
Yes, We Can. Together we will do and be a good team. You must create success, growth and progress.
Value the process over the end result. We value and respect matters of value such as: Open Minded Learning
Be a individual whit purpose in life.
If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. ~ Bill Gates
Recognizing the growing importance of eco-health trade in services for the growth and development of the world eco-efficient economy, humanity and environmental health sustainability;
We enhance people helping people and organisations to move the world forward, to grow and do their best. We utilize a real world open flow global systems for open learning, teaching and innovation to add more values for a better life and progress.
You can not have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday. The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. If you have conquered doubt and fear of change have conquered failure.
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. ~ Dalai Lama
Just because something does not do what you planned it to do, does not mean it is wrong and useless.
We salute and honour things and qualities of value such as: Creative Minded Learning
Do not be a person trying to do it alone.
Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it. ~ Andy Rooney, journalist
Go where you are celebrated, not where you are tolerated.
Mamadomia Group has three priorities: achieving eco-health sustainable growth with equity, promoting connectivity and attaining the open trade in service and investment in the Asia-Pacific TransTelematics. ( APEC Policy Support Unit )
Mamadomia Group preschool open learning educational flow systems and eco friendly upbringing paradigm project initiatives are emerging start-up developments for a better world sustainability, eco and health security, socio-economic benefit and progress.
and technology to collaborate and cooperate on open source and open core fields without been limited by boundaries of time, place, space and other limitations limiting the progress thrive.
You - the people of the world, who carry out the humanity progress and advance sustainability thrive, we are looking for to get connected, to collaborate and cooperate together in merging talents, abilities and efforts for advancing the world for the better.
Love of knowledge is the most real and creative form of human presence. I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength. ~ Sigmund Freud, neurologist
It is Not Poor Progress, It is Just Poor commitment. Make a long-term commitment.
We value, respect, salute and honour things, qualities and matters of value such as: Innovative Oriented Learning
Do not be a person Complaining.
You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life. ~ Les Brown
To build a vibrant and supportive community of creative and innovative people and environment by markedly expanding opportunities to connect and explore progressive ideas. We believe if more and more people utilize their potential, learn, develop and have more and better health, education and eco-healthy environment, the world will be a better place to live.
We enhance people helping people and organisations to move the world forward, to grow and do their best. We utilize a real world open flow global systems for open learning, teaching and innovation to add more values for a better life and progress.
There are things you don't know and can't do and there are things we don't know and can't do, but together, collaborated and incorporated we can make a difference for a better life, world and progress.
In line with 21st century learning dynamics, challenges and climate change, Mamadomia Group joint venture eco-health ( ecology, environment and health) partnership is bridging private and public organizations, talents, young and wise for collaborating and cooperating where concessional components come seamlessly together to facilitate operational objectives and deliver successful outcomes.
This is still a work in progress, though much has changed. The ?exotic hybrid? of 21st century culture has continued to blossom and the assault from a ?homogenised international mass culture's has not overwhelmed us to the extent that was projected. Cultural global events have been recognised in international covenants, public and private support for the eco arts and innovation events has diversified, the economic importance of creative cultural goods and services has increased, the need to include eco arts education in the children and youths sustainability curriculum has been embraced and the importance of cultural sustainability diplomacy acknowledged.
There are two freedoms: the false, where a man is free to do what he likes, and the true, where he is free to do what he ought.
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Get In Perspective where you are truly in your growth as a practitioner of progress.
From good to great success - Why Some make to the top ... and others do not ?
What book has had the greatest impact on your understanding of leadership?
What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?
Key worlds of value to learn and utilize.
essential , steady , success, successful, growth, progress, purpose, guidance, values, passion, vision, principles, mission, goals, objectives, guide, tips, trust and leads.
- Dreams do not have deadlines. We are thinking of doing bigger and better things and having more fun with it. In everything we do, we are challenging dogma, ignorance and dictatorships and embracing knowledge, creativity and innovation to grow and progress. We believe if more and more people learn to grow, develop and possess more and better health, education and eco-healthy environment, the world will be a better place to live.
- We seek a positive role model for expiration and learning.
- In everything we do, we are challenging dogma, idiocy, ignorance and dictatorships by enhancing, supporting and empowering knowledge, creativity and innovation for more and better values, life and progress.
- We believe open flow of creation makes everything possible. We see opportunities and solutions when others see limitations. We evolve and contribute to something bigger than ourselves. We create value, we innovate and grow as we progress.
- We enhance people helping people and organisations to move the world forward, to grow and do their best. We utilize a real world open flow global systems for open learning, teaching and innovation to add more values for a better life and progress.
Challenging the known and embracing the unknown for more and better values, life and progress. OUR COMMITMENT IS TO DEVELOP GLOBAL A CLASS FOUNDATION.
Mamadomia Consortium Group (group of organisations and companies joint venture) is a
collection of not for profit parent, subsidiary, associate organisations,
but not limited to private companies or business entities for profit, that functions as
a single holding fund associated entity through a common source of control and decision making body.
The concept of Mamadomia Foundation is frequently used in public company by laws to attribute
the rights and duties of one member of the group to another or the whole.
When the Mamadomia Foundation associated organisations are engaged in entirely independent businesses
and or state or international branches, the members of the group is considered a conglomerate
member of the Mamadomia Consortium Global Development Group.
Consortium incorporate entities (by laws)
Consortium Foundation Co-founders:
Vahlinov Andy Freedman
Anna Elisabeth Malter
Chris Costello
Penelope Korber
Associated patron business entities
Our mission is to empower and inspire people by spreading entrepreneurs knowledge of development and life changing stories to the world. We want to change history, do something important in our life's, and influence individuals businesses in the world. Then they love and respect us because we made their life important. We offer competitive market remuneration and professional variety across a broad range of practice groups. Here you will discover ideas, techniques, and tools you can use right away. Whether you are a student, career professional, or retired here is valuable information and resources for you. Bookmark this lesson and read it every day until your are ready to utilize it in practice. Please leave your thoughts in the comment section. We are here to fulfil our purpose, mission, goals, dreams and vision. Related Readings
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind do not matter and those who matter do not mind.